Publish Your Film with Film Geographies

We want to grow FilmGeographies as a film sharing community that includes peer review. Peer review is not only central to the process by which new research is recognised and validated by the scientific community, it also how we can learn and improve our own filmic literacy (Jacobs 2016). Traditional peer review processes that work for text-based academic journals are now adapting to suit the needs of non-traditional, non-text-based forms of research inquiry. Filmgeographies is working to develop as an interactive and collaborative network to help establish this new and exciting phase.

Our Goals:

  • To publish films made by geographers and other scholars in a way that allows them to be peer reviewed.
  • To promote and coordinate film festivals, workshops and other activities that promote the use of film-making in the academy.
  • To promote the use of film-making as a method of teaching that allows us to make education more relevant to a wider and more diverse group of engaged students and staff.
  • To stimulate the exchange of information about film and film-making in geography and across the social sciences, arts and humanities.


Vitor Hugo Costa - Metalfilmes, Portugal    
Heather Davis - University of Tennessee, USA 
Alexa Firat - Temple University, USA       
Laura Harris - University of Southampton, UK
Jessica Jacobs - Queen Mary University of London, UK    
Sara Nesteruk - University of Huddersfield, UK
Joseph Pàlis - University of the Philippines, Diliman    
Ciaran Reynolds - Independent, UK    
Alice Salimbeni - University of Cagliari, Italy
Elizabeth Sommerlad - Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany
Andrew Small - University of the Creative Arts, UK        
Julian Zschocke - Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany 

We are always looking for more people to review films
Contact us if you are interested in joining our panel